Document Library


The Brunswick Lot 443-44

  • Brochures

    Copies of the brochures available in hard copy at our sales centre.

    Brochure – The Brunswick
  • Buying Guide

    To assist prospective purchasers to understand the steps involved in buying a new home, Avant Townhomes have prepared a Buying Guide for you.

    Buying Guide
  • Contract of Sale

    To purchase a property from Avant Townhomes you will need to enter into a Contract of Sale. The contract includes the Section 32, a legal requirement that sets out important information about the property. If you proceed with purchasing a property a formal contract, will be prepared for you. You can view a sample Contract of Sale here. A contract prepared for your property may differ from the sample provided.

    If a property is included in an Owners Corporation Avant Townhomes prepares a set of Owners Corporation Rules. This document sets out the initial rules that govern the operation of the property and the Owners Corporation. After the project is complete the owners have the right (subject to voting) to change the Owners Corporation Rules. The Owners Corporation Rules (if applicable) will be included as an attachment to the contract of sale that is prepared for your property. You can view a sample set of Owners Corporation Rules here.

    Sample Contract
  • Planning Permit

    The Planning Permit is provided by the responsible authority (normally the local Council) and permits the construction of the project, subject to satisfying other requirements. The Planning Permit typically sets out conditions that must be met during the development and construction of the project. It is Avant Townhomes’ responsibility to ensure these conditions are met. The Planning Permit (if available) will be included as an attachment to the contract of sale that ,is prepared for your property.
    Occasionally Avant Townhomes offer properties for sale prior to having received full planning approval. In these instances, the contract is conditional on town planning approval being received. When a contract is subject to planning, Avant Townhomes have an obligation to advise purchasers when planning approval has been received and the contract condition has been satisfied.

    Planning Permit
  • Drawing & Specification

    The drawing and specifications describe the building and related works that you are purchasing. The specification describes the materials, equipment and finishes that are included in the property. The drawings show the layout and appearance of the project, including your selected dwelling. The relevant Drawings and Specification will be included as attachments to the contract of sale that is prepared for your property.

    Drawings – Brunswick Facade 03 Specification
  • Handover Manual

    When you take possession of your new home, Avant Townhomes will give you a Handover Manual with information particular to your new home. A sample Handover Manual is made available here for you to see what’s typically included.

    Sample Handover Manual
  • Purchasers Regulatory Framework

    Purchasers of a new Avant Townhome can be assured of receiving professional service and quality. The primary driver of Avant’s performance is the expertise and commitment invested by its own people and those third parties that regularly interact with the business. Purchasers should also appreciate that Avant Townhomes operates within a highly regulated market place. Understanding this environment and meeting or exceeding its many requirements is an important part of Avant Townhomes’ promise to its customers. This Regulations Overview provides a summary of the rules and regulations that influence the design and construction of residential homes by Avant Townhomes in Victoria.

    Avant Regulations Overview